Has it been three weeks already? Well, fear not, as I have come bearing you good tidings and a new update on Feast for the Senses.
I have added a new category of sub-weapons to Réiltín’s arsenal. I felt that the game needed more close-range combat options and more ways to engage with multiple enemies at the same time besides using the grenade launcher.
The first of these new sub-weapons is the landmine. (Click on any of the images below to see an animated version.)
When set on the ground, it takes a few moments for it to arm itself. When it does, it beeps and becomes fully invisible, leaving behind only a pulsing ring that indicates it’s activation range.
When an enemy wanders into the ring, the mine reveals itself, flashing and beeping. After a short while, it explodes with a blast strength and radius greater than that of a grenade. Réiltín cannot set off her own mines by moving near it, but she can set them off by using the explosion of a grenade or another mine.
The second sub-weapon is the decoy. Not knowing how to depict the decoy, I just Google Image searched for “decoy”. The topmost results I got were all duck decoys used for duck hunting. I just said to myself, “Why not?” Fairies do have a reputation of being weird and inscrutable.
When set down, the decoy will jump around, quack a song, and be all-around conspicuous and annoying, attracting the attention of nearby enemies. Since the enemy monsters are in-universe rely on their individual senses to track the player down, I thought the decoy should be some sort of an annoying and obvious sensory experience. Also, I just wanted an excuse to put the Flea Waltz in a game.
The decoy has more drawing power than Réiltín herself, meaning she can drop one while being pursued and sneak away unnoticed, or get up close and attack without fear of retaliation.
Obligatory video showing how the graphics and sound tie together: