Sidebar Cleanup

The sidebar on this site was a mess, so I decided to look it over and fix it.

Sidebar customization has changed a lot since I last put it together, or more accurately, it had changed completely since the old sidebar was from the days when this blog was still on Blogger. Back in the day, I had to copy and paste a whole messes of code to link to my other sites on IndieDB, Twitter, etc. However, in this day and age we have widgets to do all the hard work for us. Thank goodness for that.  😀

New Portfolio Pages

I’m working on my next post for Feast for the Senses, but in the meantime, I upgraded my portfolio/project lists from manually-created-table-disaster to much-better-Huge-IT-Portfolio-powered-awesomeness. You can access them from the sidebar on the left. They divided into three sections:

  • Current Projects: things I’m working on right now.
  • Released Projects: things I’ve let loose on the Internet or in real life.
  • Prototypes: things I’ve worked on but stopped because I’m not sure where to go with them.